Monday 14 June 2010

the fog has lifted

I finally feel like myself. What a relief. I got out of the hospital last Thursday and rested for most of the week. Saturday, I felt good enough for a day trip to Victoria to see the Canadian Naval Centennial Fleet Review. It was a beautiful, sunny day to sit on the beach and watch the Snowbirds do their thing.  

These are the shots that didn't make it into the slide show:

Yours truly, enjoying the sun

Evelynne, not happy that I was restricting her movement.
She was determined to climb on all the slippery rocks below.

Rosalie and "her" boat


jojo said...

So fill me in on the missing details! I'm assuming you had the latissimus dorsi surgery. How does it feel?

I'm glad to hear you are feeling well enough to be out and about. Sunshine (when it's not in the upper 90s like it is in Arkansas!) can cure a lot of ills.

raine said...

So glad the fog has lifted! :)

Anonymous said...

I, too, am thrilled and thankful that the "fog has lifted." What a beautiful picture of you and your girls :))

Love to you, Jillayne