Wednesday 14 July 2010

May - 5, June - 0, July - 1

I really love the OR, and most especially, my PS. The only method to spending more time in the hospital doing what I do best is to have more surgery, so that's what I'm going to do next Friday.

What a bummer. I was happily camping with the family, my second most favourite activity, returning to town yesterday for my first breast expander fill today. Dr. B injected me with 60 mls of saline that didn't seem to produce much of a result. Hmm, I thought. How long is this going to take? After he was finished, I asked him to look at my back, which has quite a pocket of fluid under the skin. This pocket has been there from the beginning, and I had asked him about it before. He had told me that it would go away on its own eventually. Today, he said that he would drain it. While he was draining it (thank goodness I have no feeling back there, because that was a very BIG needle), he remarked that it must have been uncomfortable with all that fluid sloshing about. Well, no, not really, but when I played tennis, still with the drains in, that was a weird feeling. He laughed at me, at the thought of playing tennis a couple weeks out of surgery. I felt fine, and was happy to be active again. So, the fluid keeps coming out of the hole he had just made, and this is not good. The colour is clear, bearing a remarkable similarity to the saline he had just injected into me. Somehow, the implant must have ruptured, probably during the original surgery. I felt like a little child when he asked me if I noticed the pocket of fluid after my tennis match. No, no, it was there right from the start. It wasn't my fault this time, honest.

I'm scheduled for an implant exchange next Friday. Luckily, I won't have to stay overnight, and can return to the Lake fairly quickly. Any guesses as to how long I have to wait before I can drive? Or play tennis??

Here are a few pics of the camping so far.

Buttle Lake, Strathcona Provincial Park, BC

Victoria and Hershey

Rosalie, jumping off the rocks

Evelynne and her butterfly


raine said...

Oh Jackie - you need a break!! A loong one! I love, love love the picture of Evelyn.

jojo said...

Jackie! This is me wagging my finger at you! Tennis with drains?!?!?! The rupture may not have been your fault - but please give your body more time to heal!

Your body has been through so much. Please, please take it easy after this next surgery. You can not rush mother nature.

Sending *gentle* hugs your way.

Sherri Jo

Anonymous said...

Good you have two fingers wagging at you ! Stop ...stop....stop....put on those brakes for a moment and think about what you would be saying to a friend of yours in the exact same situation. Not only do I have to nag Cindy for her crazy adventures...but, not you too!! LOL...

Keep me posted, okay ?

Love ya,


Aunty Dee said...

Hi Jackie,

You need to take it easy after any surgery. Please do so.

With Love xx oo