Friday 23 July 2010

the biggest risk I took today

I was in and out of the hospital in no time flat. Norm took me in for 9:45 am, and I was out by 4:00 pm. Surgery was late to start, I got going about 1:00 pm and was waking up in the recovery room at 2:30 pm. No pain, just a little stiff in my back. I am assuming it went well, however, the normal course of events didn't go as per usual, so I feel a bit off. I saw Dr. B once before I went in the OR, but not again. I was already out to sleep before he came in, and I did not see him after the surgery either. It's funny how this disruption in my preferred pattern has me feeling off. What's worse is that I even have a pattern in my surgeries. Geesh. This is number 6 since May.

Do you want to hear something funny? Two nights ago, I felt a lump in my non-breast. This part is actually not funny, but the story has a funny ending. I am accustomed to checking for lumps and bumps, and I know what I should feel like. You may remember that this is how I found the cancer in the first place. While still at the Lake, I felt a hard lump at the bottom edge of the tissue expander. I went back and forth between that breast and the other; no, there definitely is not a corresponding lump on the left side. Not again! OK, I thought. It's pretty small, so I will have caught it in time. I'll ask Dr. B to have a look at it when he opens me up. While I did not get to the panic stage, the lump was on my mind for two days. I kept it to myself, not wanting to worry anyone. So, I'm prepped for surgery, and Dr. B comes in to make his markings on me. He says, "I bet you'll be glad to get this port out." O my gosh! I start laughing and tell him that I had thought it was a new lump. He says, "That's not the kind of thought to be having. When did you figure it out?" "Just now! I have stewed about it for the past two days."  What a goof I am. I chuckled the whole way down the hall to the OR.

As for my big risk, I must admit it. I really couldn't help myself. I played the piano this evening. It was Beethoven.

Thank you my dear friends. I'm learning.


jojo said...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything went well! Now let's keep that leash short and tight for awhile ! LOL ! Big air hug ! - Carm

Anonymous said...

To a most amazing gal!!! You're doing great, Jackie!!

Love to you, Jillayne